So you plugged the lead straight from the 100v transformer into the UK socket. Hmmmm. Thats not good.
I'll look for a correct transformer after work. Let's start with a 24vac supply before going further.
So you plugged the lead straight from the 100v transformer into the UK socket. Hmmmm. Thats not good.
I'll look for a correct transformer after work. Let's start with a 24vac supply before going further.
Ian #UKPachinko
�� - thanks
Pachislo - Super Blackjack // Pachinko - Star Wars 2005
I picked the easiest one to connect without linking of secondary coils (ie 1 output) unfortuatly these aren't the cheapest but simplest to connect.
Ian #UKPachinko
Thank you I've just ordered it - hoping I haven't ruined my machine now. I have an electrician friend who can fit it what would they need to do (fit too?)
Pachislo - Super Blackjack // Pachinko - Star Wars 2005
0-24 to the machine.
0-230 to the wall socket
Ian #UKPachinko
Pachislo - Super Blackjack // Pachinko - Star Wars 2005
Of course fixings the machine might be a bit more involved. Alas I No longer have a spare Lumina psu. But there are plenty of threads from our US members who have fried machines by not using a transformer at all. With a clue as to where to look for blown components.
Ian #UKPachinko
Fingers crossed I've gotten away with it. Will let you know how I get on once it's all re-connected
Pachislo - Super Blackjack // Pachinko - Star Wars 2005
Going back to you first post.
did the smoke come from the transformer, or the psu box on the machine. the one with the power switch and the reset button.
Ian #UKPachinko
Screen Shot 2018-07-27 at 09.54.37.png
Coils on transformer just under the tape.
Pachislo - Super Blackjack // Pachinko - Star Wars 2005
Haven't forgotten.. waiting on my electrician friend doing the work - he's a tad busy at mo.
Pachislo - Super Blackjack // Pachinko - Star Wars 2005
Still haven't forgotten.. hopefully this year.. lol
Pachislo - Super Blackjack // Pachinko - Star Wars 2005
Lumina psu do sometimes appear on YJA.
Ian #UKPachinko
Yahoo Japan Auctions
Ian #UKPachinko
here's a Lumina PSU ( I think)
£16 BIn price plus fees and shipping.
In the UK and Europe. you need a VPN to access YJA
Ian #UKPachinko