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Thread: Janken Man Early modern

  1. #1
    I was thrown out of Top Gear Drunkenclam's Avatar
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    Default Janken Man Early modern

    Ian #UKPachinko

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  3. #2
    Stuey - The RADministrator MrGneiss's Avatar
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    Default Re: Janken Man Early modern

    Wow, that is Rad!! Someone get it!!

    "Blowing smoke rings at the moon."

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  5. #3
    Pachi Puro Moparformances's Avatar
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    Default Re: Janken Man Early modern

    Never Doubt that a small group of thoughtful, .......... /........ If your not going to stand behind our troops
    ...committed people can change the world. ............. /.................Please, Please stand in front of them
    .....Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has............./
    .........................................Margaret Mead

  6. #4
    I was thrown out of Top Gear Drunkenclam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Janken Man Early modern

    Never heard of that phrase.
    野球拳 is the most fun version
    Ian #UKPachinko

  7. #5
    Pachi Puro Moparformances's Avatar
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    Default Re: Janken Man Early modern

    Quote Originally Posted by Moparformances View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Drunkenclam View Post
    Never heard of that phrase.
    野球拳 is the most fun version
    never heard that phrase??
    Never Doubt that a small group of thoughtful, .......... /........ If your not going to stand behind our troops
    ...committed people can change the world. ............. /.................Please, Please stand in front of them
    .....Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has............./
    .........................................Margaret Mead

  8. #6
    Kungishi Spyder138's Avatar
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    Default Re: Janken Man Early modern

    Jyan Ken Pon is the Japanese version of Roe Sham Boe or Rock Paper Scissors. Looks like a really cool machine, but not 900 USD before fees and shipping cool.

    Here's a page about the machine.

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  10. #7
    Eye Shooter cait001's Avatar
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    Default Re: Janken Man Early modern

    Quote Originally Posted by Spyder138 View Post
    Jyan Ken Pon is the Japanese version of Roe Sham Boe or Rock Paper Scissors. Looks like a really cool machine, but not 900 USD before fees and shipping cool.

    Here's a page about the machine.

    that page is gone, so here's a copy from 2016 web archives:



    この時代からパチンコを打ち続けている50代のおやじ6人が集まって、パチンコ談義に花が咲いた時にこの「ジャンケンマン」のこ とが話題に上った。



    「今の台はスタートに入った時にすでに勝ち負けは決まっているけど、あの頃の台は初めから負けは決まってなかったよ な」





    「ヒコーキ台でも初代のゼロタイガーは、ラウンド中にVに入れば永遠に続く感じがよかったよな。今のハネモノはラウンドが決めら れているのが、つまらない。ラウンドではなく、Vに入れば、継続するアナログ的な方が絶対いい」

    「昔の台は結構クセがあって、そのクセを読んで毎日打っていた。今の台はゲージも同じで打ち方を変えても変わらない。技術が使え る台が欲しい」

    誰が打っても差が出ないように、業界では統一ゲージが普及して行ったが、それがパチンコがつまらなくなった原因とし ている。


    当時は定量制が主流の時代だから、終了した台は、夕方からのサラリーマン客様に開放したものだ。夕方から来ても終了台を確保でき れば勝てるチャンスがいくらでもあった。

    終了台を開放する営業方法は、1人に大勝させるのではなく、終了台を何人にも開放して少しでも多くの客が勝てるチャンスを与えて くれていたから、パチンコが楽しかった時代だった。

    この時代は当然、40玉交換時代である。これが100%以上玉を出しても、ホールが赤字にならないパチンコ営業の原 点だ。

    今、射幸性を高めて客を半減させたパチンコ業界の後追いをしているのが、宝くじだ。宝くじも年々売り上げが減少しているため、テ コ入れ策として賞金額を段階的に引き上げ、2015年の年末ジャンボは1等を前後賞合わせて過去賞金額を10億円に引き上げてい る。


    パチンコの甘デジ版ともいえるジャンボミニを2014年からスタートさせ、2015年は1等7000万円が190本も当たるよう にしている。

    machine translation:
    The pachinko machine in the photo is Nishijin's "Jankenman", which was released more than 35 years ago. Six fathers in their 50s who have been hitting pachinko since this era gathered, and when the flowers bloomed in the pachinko discussion, this "Jankenman" became a hot topic. "Entered from the dive, rock-paper-scissors to 3-game winning streak to and Do'm tulip has become fully open" "Oh yeah, the customer goo, scissors, choose a par with the button ..." "Now the platform is already upon entering to start winning or losing I have decided, the platform of the time that is lost is not was I Do "has been decided from the beginning ze was a note of all out something" I pattern. So pretty, have won the rock-paper-scissors. " " Do I did not get tired " in At this time, Jankenman was unanimously decided as "the No. 1 car I want you to revive." The pachinko discussion continued. "Even on the Hikoki stand, the first Zero Tiger had a good feeling that it would last forever if you entered V during the round. It's boring that the round is decided for the current honeymono. It's definitely better to continue analog. " " The old platform had a lot of quirks, and I read that habit and hit it every day. The current platform has the same gauge, and it doesn't change even if I change the way of hitting. I want a platform that can be used. ” Unified gauges have become widespread in the industry so that no matter who hits them, it makes a difference, which is the reason why pachinko is boring. "In the old days, it was fun to go to a pachinko parlor, and I couldn't wait for the morning to come so much that I couldn't sleep at night."

    At that time, the quantitative system was the mainstream, so the finished table was open to office workers from the evening. Even if I came in the evening, if I could secure the end table, I had many chances to win.

    The business method of opening the end table was not to let one person win a big win, but to open the end table to many people and give as many customers a chance to win, so it was an era when pachinko was fun.

    Naturally, this era is the era of exchanging 40 balls. This is the starting point of pachinko business, where the hall does not go into the red even if 100% or more balls are put out.

    The lottery is now following the pachinko industry, which has increased gambling and halved the number of customers. Since the sales of lottery tickets are decreasing year by year, the prize amount is gradually increased as a measure to put in the lottery, and at the end of 2015 Jumbo has raised the past prize amount to 1 billion yen by combining the first prize before and after.

    As the prize amount increases, the winning probability is worse, from 1 in 10 million to 1 in 20 million.

    Jumbo Mini, which can be said to be a sweet digital version of pachinko, started in 2014, and in 2015, 170 million yen will be awarded for 190 pachinko machines.

    Even if the amount of money won is small, increasing the number of people who can win will increase the population rather than letting one person win big.
    WANTED: 10¥ candystore games, pre-1950s Japanese machines (+fortune tellers), スマートボール (Smart Ball), Pickwick-style (~1905)
    willing to ship from anywhere.

  11. The following user says "Thanks" to cait001

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