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Thread: JT-Comatz Trading Co., LTD Alibaba pachinko vendor

  1. #101
    Eye Shooter quester's Avatar
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    Default Re: JT-Comatz Trading Co., LTD Alibaba pachinko vendor

    today on Albaba, high school of the dead, 199.00 plus shipping, modern pachino 5750.00 plus shipping, tough choice if I wanted that machine
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  3. #102
    Fever Hunter Vikingwiz's Avatar
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    Default Re: JT-Comatz Trading Co., LTD Alibaba pachinko vendor

    It may be High School of the Dead, but it's not the same model. The one I have posted is the "Dead Poison Island" version which was introduced in Aug 2018 and is 1/127 probability.

  4. #103
    Pachi Puro lotsoballs's Avatar
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    Default Re: JT-Comatz Trading Co., LTD Alibaba pachinko vendor

    Quote Originally Posted by quester View Post
    today on Albaba, high school of the dead, 199.00 plus shipping, modern pachino 5750.00 plus shipping, tough choice if I wanted that machine
    Seems obvious that particular 1/127 odds model is 28 times better/more desirable so therefore 28 times more expensive than the different odds model that JT has! Duh! [emoji12]

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  5. #104
    Fever Hunter Vikingwiz's Avatar
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    Default Re: JT-Comatz Trading Co., LTD Alibaba pachinko vendor

    I would pick the cheaper model without question too! But for whatever reason, the 1/127 model IS that expensive.

  6. #105
    Pachi Puro lotsoballs's Avatar
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    Default JT-Comatz Trading Co., LTD Alibaba pachinko vendor

    There’s 3 different versions of that game (that look nearly identical)[emoji848]

    1/319 (August 2017 pink frame)
    1/217 (August 2017 pink frame)
    1/127 (August 2018 black frame)

    Plasma infusion has that 2018 1/127 version for “just” $1,499.99 + shipping though.

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  7. #106
    Fever Hunter Vikingwiz's Avatar
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    Default Re: JT-Comatz Trading Co., LTD Alibaba pachinko vendor

    Pachinko prices are in a constant state of flux. They change by the hour. Age, brand popularity, current parlor ranking and market demand influence the price heavily.

    In this specific situation, I’m guessing there was a dip in price allowing it to purchased for what’s being asked. However, buying it from Japan at this specific point in time- it is very expensive. Sometimes you can luck out of someone has one on-hand as is the case here. That is an exception and not the norm though.

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  8. #107
    Eye Shooter quester's Avatar
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    Default Re: JT-Comatz Trading Co., LTD Alibaba pachinko vendor

    Its true that 1/99 or 1/127 are better machines for home use, you win more often, and you win around 500 balls, so you don't have to run to back of machine in middle of fever due to top hopper being empty trying to pay you around 2000 balls, I own a bunch of 1/99 or close machines. And prices of machines do change, but not like the stock market, they start high, and go down, and once gone, if someone really wants it, they will pay higher to get it. I also understand what your trying to promote, of wanting it now, and wanting it super clean, that's great. Good luck, I will keep a eye out for when you have a sale or promotion
    2018 Jaws 2 Panic Again 2016 Superman Limit Break 2016 Majestic Prince 2015 MaCross Frontier 2 2015 Castlevania 2015 Persona 4 2014 Star Wars 3 2013 Biohazard 2011 Kung Fu Panda 2009 Star Wars 2 Light 2009 MaCross Robotech

  9. #108
    Fever Hunter Vikingwiz's Avatar
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    Default Re: JT-Comatz Trading Co., LTD Alibaba pachinko vendor

    Sometimes that pattern holds true, sometimes it doesn’t. If a rare color jacks up the price, I don’t control that. It would be courteous to ensure apples to apples are being compared prior to assuming someone is trying to pull one over on the community. In no way am I telling you to spend 6k on a Pachinko machine, but I encourage you to search for that model specifically so you can see first hand that prices aren’t being exaggerated.

    There’s no gimmicks here and I’m not here to peddle anything.

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  11. #109
    Blind Shooter billyp203's Avatar
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    Default Re: JT-Comatz Trading Co., LTD Alibaba pachinko vendor

    Wow, so I haven't been on the board other than to help here and there but I guess since I'm being trashed I should chime in!
    Thanks Brandon for giving me some love!

    So yes we are not the same company, I'm in CT on the East Coast and he's in Michigan. Did buy from me a few times then figured out his own sourcing and took off from there and hey, good luck!

    We started as contractors and still are but added prop replicas then Pachinkos with help from Curt at Slot Pachinko - great guy but true used car salesman... maybe I learned too much from him?

    After Curt closed up shop I decided to import in on my own, my local customers wanted them and couldn't get from others. I sell on ebay and our own website too - we're cheaper on the site and direct sales - ebay takes almost 10% cut on total sales including shipping so if you see high prices on ebay and have never sold there you should know the facts.
    I only import in a few machines at a time maybe bringing in a container might be cheaper but I don't volume sell so I don't want to stock a ton of machines and have the chance of getting garbage units that won't sell in the US market? So shipping jacks up my cost. Plus we ship these things like glass, you've all bought machines packed in foam peanuts!!! Holy $#!& and had to pick that crap out for hours or maybe a single sheet of bubble wrap, yeah I like vacuuming up broken glass too, or nothing at all wow it's all broken.
    Only double boxed in triple wall custom made shipping cartons here. The others on the board that have bought from me can tell you that they've seen FedEx throw my box off the truck and still my machines arrive without a scratch.....

    Vendors my me eat the problems that you get from importing on your own. Get a broken machine from JT-Comatz or fromjapan or any of the others and try to get a replacement or repair. I don't think so. We've swapped out bad cells no questions asked, a new transformer okay, lost your CR adapter or key, here you go.

    If you don't follow Pachinko reseller shops in Japan the prices do change up and down daily even hourly! It's like a bizzaro stock market, I'll tell my guys to grab a machine for 87k Yen and they'll call me at 4am that the price had bounced up to 96K. I would have had the Ultra Man Ultra 7 machine for a few hundred less back in December but a missed the price drop and by the time i noticed it jumped up 35K! It's not demand, I think, since it's new AND old machines that bounce around. And if I quote you a lower price I eat the bump if it jumps before I order - what store will do that for you, no one! Yahoo auctions are also unreliable, some seller are selling broken machines that you won't find out till it's at your door too

    And lastly we actual have machines in stock, it sounds like Brandon has lapped me since we only stock 2 dozen or so machines at any given time, we have the "big-boy toy" stock to maintain too plus all our renovation equipment so space is at a premium - that's why we'll custom order any machine.

    So as it's been mentioned above, by all means order whatever way you'd prefer but having a pachinko dealer or 2 around is a great alternative to DIY Pachi buying.

    I don't advertise and hawk my stuff on the boards b/c I thinks it's annoying, google exists for a reason. I support the board here as best as I possibly can: By pointing customers to the board and other vendors when I don't have the answer or they are looking for something i don't carry or can find. I try to jump in and help when I think I might have an answer but otherwise I just enjoy the pachi-goodness of the board. I appreciate the level of expertise here and admire the archive of information.

    Bill Phelan
    The Plasma Infusion

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  13. #110
    Eye Shooter quester's Avatar
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    Default Re: JT-Comatz Trading Co., LTD Alibaba pachinko vendor

    We are all different, we all have budgets to spend on toys/hobbies, some of us are deal hunters, some of us will wait until machine we want lands in are budget, and sometimes waiting to long means losing out on that machine all together, it part of the hobby of collecting.

    The deal hunters spend time searching every website weekly, even daily for a deal. So when one of us finds a deal we share it, and when we see a over price, we share it also.

    There are many people hunting for the newest, biggest and the best machine, and will pay top dollar to have it. These people are your customers, and that's great for you and them. Good Luck to both of you guys.

    I'm a deal hunter, and I have a budget. I check craiglist 3 times a week, and I keep a eye on every website that sells machines, so I see prices, and have a idea who charging what.

    Sorry to trash you, Plasma has customers, Modern will have some very soon, and they will get the best new machines, and be very proud of how you ship, protect, and take care of them.

    And many years later, when they get bored with machine, us deal hunters will buy 3rd hand, and be excited to have a new toy to play, even if its old.

    Again good luck with your Business, We all hope you do well, the more pachinkos in the States, the better.
    2018 Jaws 2 Panic Again 2016 Superman Limit Break 2016 Majestic Prince 2015 MaCross Frontier 2 2015 Castlevania 2015 Persona 4 2014 Star Wars 3 2013 Biohazard 2011 Kung Fu Panda 2009 Star Wars 2 Light 2009 MaCross Robotech

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  15. #111
    Sandwich Shooter stampeed valkyrie's Avatar
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    Default Re: JT-Comatz Trading Co., LTD Alibaba pachinko vendor

    Quote Originally Posted by billyp203 View Post
    Wow, so I haven't been on the board other than to help here and there but I guess since I'm being trashed I should chime in!
    Did I miss something? I just reread the entire thread.. Where is the trashing of Plasma Infusion?

    Quote Originally Posted by billyp203 View Post
    Vendors my me eat the problems that you get from importing on your own. Get a broken machine from JT-Comatz or fromjapan or any of the others and try to get a replacement or repair. I don't think so. We've swapped out bad cells no questions asked, a new transformer okay, lost your CR adapter or key, here you go.
    I have never purchased from Plasma Infusion other then inquiring about a Macross Pachinko machine. Whoever responded to my question never really addressed why I emailed so I moved on.
    However I do know 2 people that have dealt with you in the past.. 1 is a member on here and I'll leave them to fill in details if they wish. I would hope the issues were resolved between you and them, but from what I gathered that there were or are still outstanding issues.

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  17. #112
    Pachi Puro lotsoballs's Avatar
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    Default Re: JT-Comatz Trading Co., LTD Alibaba pachinko vendor

    Complaining about sky high pachinko prices on a pachinko forum is hardly trashing. I think Clover’s prices are high... lol. I won’t get on started others.

    I’m one of the “bargain hunters” tightwads that likes to get the best value for my hard earned dollars! Craigslist and Compirate’s house are where the best deals are, followed by Clover, JT Comatz, and lastly YahooJapan.

    What really gets my juices flowing is scoring a good deal like a bunch of 4-5 year old pachinkos from a closed parlor for $100 a pop or craigslist barn find Powerflashes and such. [emoji16]

    I’ve never had any problem with JT, and they do have a Alibaba order contract which you can get full refund/exchange if arrived broken somehow. Luckily never had an issue due to excellent packing. Seems a bit unfair for another vendor claim they won’t help a customer with no evidence of such malfeasance.

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  19. #113
    Sandwich Shooter stampeed valkyrie's Avatar
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    Default Re: JT-Comatz Trading Co., LTD Alibaba pachinko vendor

    I'm with lotsoballs on this one, prices of these machines have gone through the roof. Mostly because of this I have narrowed down what I am looking for and also browse classifieds. With that and if you pay $$$ for a machine.. lets be realistic here folks you'll never see it back. There are some rare cases.. but mostly no.

  20. #114
    Fever Hunter doa12's Avatar
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    If it is something you like, and you want it, then making the money back that you paid for it usually isn't something I'd go by. Resale value doesn't necessarily equate to what I'd pay for something, especially if it is something I expect to play with. If something breaks even or goes up in value, fine. But if I enjoy playing with something while I have it, that may make up for the cost.

    Not to just throw money away, but I buy figures from Sideshow Toys, Gentle Giant, etc. Do I expect those to be worth what I paid later? Not really. Do some go up in value? Sure. Would I be disappointed they aren't worth a lot in the future? Not really, I enjoy having them. Kind of like DVDs/BluRays. Get em fresh when released and they generally cost quite a bit more than several years later when they are in the bargain bin. Doesn't really stop me from pre-ordering 3D BR movies of stuff I'll watch.

    I do enjoy bargains too. The last 3 pachislos I got were $50 plus time/gas to pick up.

  21. #115
    Pachi Puro KimbaWLion's Avatar
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    Default Re: JT-Comatz Trading Co., LTD Alibaba pachinko vendor

    As stated when its something you want you pay. I am bargain Hunter 2 and like many here I bought from Slot Pachinko, 5 Brothers and Clover before it was clover. I never paid what I thought was an over payment. Some where cheap some where not. But I can tell you this even at my most expansive purchase I have always gotten good service. Frank as always treated me well and actually so
    did Curt as well as 5 brothers in the day. Generally speaking things are really high now and unless I see a real bargain on something I want. I am just fine. It is NOT who I am to criticize anybody. Everybody is unique. I think I am tapped out room wise to be honest for now... :-) But for bargain on something I want I always have room! That was about 2 years ago for the sliding screen macross frontier machine....
    I may not be the best guy, BUT I am not the bad guy!- Coop from Megas XLR

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  23. #116
    Eye Shooter cait001's Avatar
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    Default Re: JT-Comatz Trading Co., LTD Alibaba pachinko vendor

    as a person coming from the pinball world, all of this complaining about prices makes me chuckle. Oh, my sweet summer children, you don't know what a true price complaint thread is.
    pachinko is still one of the most affordable hobbies in the coin-op world.
    WANTED: 10¥ candystore games, pre-1950s Japanese machines (+fortune tellers), スマートボール (Smart Ball), Pickwick-style (~1905)
    willing to ship from anywhere.

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  25. #117
    Eye Shooter quester's Avatar
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    Default Re: JT-Comatz Trading Co., LTD Alibaba pachinko vendor

    pachinko can only be on a parlor floor for so long, pinball has no shelf life in a bar/arcade, once removed from parlor floor, pachinko machines can be scarped, sold to venders, or just thrown away. Which will keep pachinko machine prices below pinball prices
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  26. #118
    Fever Hunter doa12's Avatar
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    Default Re: JT-Comatz Trading Co., LTD Alibaba pachinko vendor

    I've seen cheap pinballs, the electromechanical ones sometimes come up fairly cheap. My "Cyclone" wasn't especially cheap ($3K) But then I played that same title every weekend at a bowling alley so knew I liked the machine and had always wanted the exact same thing.

    That can't be said for pachinkos for me, my first exposure to the ones I get are usually at the time of purchase. They may have themes I like (Indiana Jones was my first machine) but I'd never played it before it arrived here. I saw pictures/watched videos. I'm of an age where I had spent quite a few quarters in arcade/pinball machines and they still had them in laundromats, bars, and arcades dedicated to games. Now in town we have Chuck E Cheese that has a pinball machine or two, and I think that's about it. But going somewhere 'local' to play a pachinko and decide you want it from playing it is a bit different, as far as I know, there's nothing local here in the midwest that has them to publicly play.

    I think one of the reasons you don't see pachinkos where you see pinballs, is theft... pachinkos you can take the balls with you. Pinball, it's sealed in the machine. Kind of like when you go to Chuck E Cheese, you are supposed to get 9 skeeballs for your token, but often some of the balls have wandered off. So the balls can disappear and you also have to dispense them where pinball is a sealed experience.

    I have limits on what I spend on either, but may push the limit on something I want. Someday an Addams Family pinball would be nice, but right now they are too pricey and I don't expect that to change.

    But maybe I'm more isolated being in the middle of Illinois, others may get the chance to see/play the pachinkos to decide if they like them before committing to buy them, and have them imported/shipped or go on a field trip to pick them up.

    That said I've bought a few pachinkos from Akimono/Clover, off ebay, off craigslist, and traveled miles to pick them up. The pinball came from where there were multiple pinball machines available for sale, as well as lots of other things... but no pachinkos that I saw any of the times I've gone.

  27. #119
    Chicken Fried Steak takethecastle57's Avatar
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    Down the street from me is a laundromat with a Stern 1966 Batman Premium Pinball set to .50 per game or $2.00 for 5 games !!

    I love that the machine is hidden from street view and you have to go into the laundromat to see it there . I play 5 or more games on it once a week I kind of feel great that a relatively New machine is in my neighborhood .
    When things don't go right the 1st time , Step back ,Take a break and come back renewed. RGS

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  29. #120
    Eye Shooter quester's Avatar
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    in downtown Seattle, we have a place that's called the pinball museum, over 50 machines, old to new, check website if interested
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