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Thread: First time owner with a few comments and questions.

  1. #1
    Tokie Owens pachicrab's Avatar
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    Default First time owner with a few comments and questions.

    Hi Folks,
    First I would like to thank the site owner and all the mods for keeping the site operable and data flow continuing.
    about a month ago I found two pachinko machines. Ever since I was a kid my step dad had a friend that would let us play all day and night on hit machine.
    That was decades ago and now I am the proud owner of a Sanyo Show 51 ($25), and Sankyo showa 54 ($30) pachinko machine.

    Both had balls jammed in them and with some fondling I was able to get them to "work".

    Here is the Sanyo Showa 51.
    I cleaned it all up according to the help forums here I still need to get some new plexiglass.

    Anybody know the name of this playing field?


    I am having particular mechanical issue with this one that maybe you could help me with.
    The "seesaw" mechanism seems to not be working correctly after one jack pot.

    Here is what the seesaw looks like when I set it up for play.


    And after it jack pots the "pin" seems to stay in an "up" position until I manually fix it thus balls getting jammed at the seesaw.
    Any ideas?

    Here is the Sankyo Show 54


    And playing field which I am trying to identify :-)

    This one seems to work however is missing the section that is supposed to keep the balls from stacking on top of each other.
    I went and bought 1000 "big hit" engraved balls they seem to work ok in both.

    I figure after I fix the 51' (75/76) mechanical problem I will start to work on the electrics. It has a 9 volt plug and had lit up a time or two when I played it. It might need some help with the contacts. Also the top ball winning tray has a small crack in it.

    I will start cleaning up the 54' (78/79) and see what mechanical issues it has and report back :-)

    So those are my first two for the man cave which I am renovating from my "hoard cave".

    I appreciate any help you can provide and feel free to ask questions if I did not describe something correctly.

    Thanks again.

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  3. #2
    Sandwich Shooter SteveFury's Avatar
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    Default Re: First time owner with a few comments and questions.

    First things first.

    Welcome to PachiTalk!

    Regarding the payout, the seesaw reset arm is notorious for sticking at its pivot. The balls are supposed to fall out of the jackpot mechansim and onto this reset arm. The fix is to remove the arm from its pivot and give it a good cleaning. I had to do a bit of light sanding on mine to get it to move freely. Even then the arm wasn't working properly because it was rubbing against the side. I had to adjust (bend) it slightly away from the side.

    Far as identification of the playfield graphic, I don't think there is any specific names other than what we give it.
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  5. #3
    Tokie Owens pachicrab's Avatar
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    Default Re: First time owner with a few comments and questions.

    So is the "hook thingy" supposed to come back down and connect back with the pin? or is it supposed to be un-hooked? does that make sense?

  6. #4
    Pachi Puro mxfaiman's Avatar
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    to Pachitalk

    Can you post a whole pic of the back of the Sanyo? To me the issue sounds like not enough balls. But if you have 1,000 and put most in the back there shouldn't be an issue. The other thing I can think of is the arm is out of adjustment. I had a Sankyo like that. Nothing wrong but one arm was pushed out too far and messed up the reset. The other thing could be like Steve mentioned and that is that something might be sticking or bent. Won't really know till I can see the whole back. Please get a picture of it set for play and when it does its issue.

    As for the backgrounds there aren't any specific names so call them what ever you want. What you see is what it is.

    If you have any further questions just ask. And once again welcome to PT.


    100 machines and counting...

  7. #5
    Pachi Puro mxfaiman's Avatar
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    Default Re: First time owner with a few comments and questions.

    Quote Originally Posted by pachicrab View Post
    So is the "hook thingy" supposed to come back down and connect back with the pin? or is it supposed to be un-hooked? does that make sense?
    Yes it should go back to they way you showed it as "ready for play."

    100 machines and counting...

  8. #6
    MacGruber JACKSJE4's Avatar
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    Default Re: First time owner with a few comments and questions.

    Quote Originally Posted by SteveFury View Post

    Regarding the payout, the seesaw reset arm is notorious for sticking at its pivot. The balls are supposed to fall out of the jackpot mechansim and onto this reset arm. The fix is to remove the arm from its pivot and give it a good cleaning. I had to do a bit of light sanding on mine to get it to move freely. Even then the arm wasn't working properly because it was rubbing against the side. I had to adjust (bend) it slightly away from the side.

    Just so you won't be scratching a bald spot on your head, here is what Steve is speaking of:


    This pic is of a Nishijin machine, but the parts and mechanics in this regard are very similar.

    Welcome to the PachiTalk family!! Let us know what else we can help you with.
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  10. #7
    Pachi Puro Card Shark's Avatar
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    Default Re: First time owner with a few comments and questions.

    ​Welcome to Pachitalk!
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  11. #8
    Kungishi CarlW's Avatar
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    Check out this video on YouTube:

    Comet II See Saw Fix - YouTube
    PACHINKO - Nishijin Model A, 2005 Newgin Cutie Honey, 2015 TAKAO Queen's Blade 2
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  13. #9
    Blind Shooter Withoutink's Avatar
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    Welcome! Im new too, everybody is awesome here...

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  15. #10
    Pachi Puro Moparformances's Avatar
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    Welcome to Pachitalk
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  17. #11
    Tokie Owens pachicrab's Avatar
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    I loaded it with all 1000 balls.
    I will get pictures or video up of how it is "working" I have to do when the 3 year old is sleeping of away cause she just loves the thing and if I break it out t fix/ take pictures she's gonna want it :-)

    Quote Originally Posted by mxfaiman View Post
    to Pachitalk

    Can you post a whole pic of the back of the Sanyo? To me the issue sounds like not enough balls. But if you have 1,000 and put most in the back there shouldn't be an issue. The other thing I can think of is the arm is out of adjustment. I had a Sankyo like that. Nothing wrong but one arm was pushed out too far and messed up the reset. The other thing could be like Steve mentioned and that is that something might be sticking or bent. Won't really know till I can see the whole back. Please get a picture of it set for play and when it does its issue.

    As for the backgrounds there aren't any specific names so call them what ever you want. What you see is what it is.

    If you have any further questions just ask. And once again welcome to PT.


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  19. #12
    Tokie Owens pachicrab's Avatar
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    Yes when I was cleaning it I did see the seesaw rest and "pin". Was not sure if it was supposed to be connected or not. so I left it alone or I might have mis aligned it.

    Quote Originally Posted by JACKSJE4 View Post
    Just so you won't be scratching a bald spot on your head, here is what Steve is speaking of:


    This pic is of a Nishijin machine, but the parts and mechanics in this regard are very similar.

    Welcome to the PachiTalk family!! Let us know what else we can help you with.

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  21. #13
    Tokie Owens pachicrab's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome and the comments. The video is superb and looks just like mine :-).
    I think I am gonna have to get the work bench nice and cleaned up and do a better job at getting my machines operable.

    One other thing I noticed on the sanyo was that sometimes when launching the balls even at a full launch the balls seem to not get enough power to make it out on the playing field.
    I would say this happens about 20% of the time.

    Thanks again folks


  22. #14
    Pachi Puro mxfaiman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pachicrab View Post
    One other thing I noticed on the sanyo was that sometimes when launching the balls even at a full launch the balls seem to not get enough power to make it out on the playing field.
    I would say this happens about 20% of the time.
    Tighten the shooter spring. To do that find the spring coming from the shooter arm (back side). Then follow it across the back. There is a plate with some holes in it and a nail sticking out the back of the machine. Pull it off and adjust what hole is sitting on the nail. The farther you pull away from the shooter the tighter it will get, and the harder it will hit.

    100 machines and counting...

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  24. #15
    Tokie Owens Whtreadaway's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum. I'm a newbie from June, and the folks here really help and want you (us) to be successful in our rebuilds, clean-ups, and understanding (AND FUN).


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  26. #16
    Tokie Owens pachicrab's Avatar
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    Oh no its starting to happen...

    I am supposedly picking up a Daida in the next few days ($40) . Is this a good brand or an off brand? I suppose that are all mechanically the same.

    My wife is just going to love this.
    Good thing I am getting rid of some things form the Hoard.

    I might need to go hide some stuff in the attic.


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  28. #17
    Pachi Puro mxfaiman's Avatar
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    Default Re: First time owner with a few comments and questions.

    Quote Originally Posted by pachicrab View Post

    I am supposedly picking up a Daida in the next few days ($40) . Is this a good brand or an off brand? I suppose that are all mechanically the same.
    Daida? I haven't heard of that. Unless you mean Daido. They are kinda a small brand if it is a vintage. If it is an early modern they were kinda large. Most machines basically operate the same way.

    Good luck.

    100 machines and counting...

  29. #18
    Tokie Owens pachicrab's Avatar
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    thanks for the shooter spring heads up I was able to get the balls to shoot better ;-)

    So I took the Sanyo apart to get things polished and cleaned up better. the see saw action is much much MUCH better now after following the link to the video above.
    l also cleaned up the jackpot mechanism. I realized only half the jackpot was unloading because one of the jackpot leavers was sticking. Also I was able to get the electronics working again.

    However I am trying to figure out how to put one piece back together.

    Picture If you see the little flipper about in the center of the 3 pictures below. Which way is that supposed to go? I think I am missing one other picture?position it could be in.

    flipper A
    photo 3.jpg
    Flipper B
    photo 4.jpg
    Flipper C
    photo 5.jpg

    Flipper D
    ( I guess I missed the last possible position this flipper could be in.)
    I assume you can imagine what the last position could be in. :-)

    Previous owner issues?
    Here are some pictures of what the PO may have done to "fix" issues.
    In this picture he/she used tape to do something for this mechanism.
    photo 1.jpg

    And the nail on the weight is that normal?
    photo 2.jpg

    Thanks a lot folks for your insight and help.

    Attached Images Attached Images

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  31. #19
    Pachi Puro Moparformances's Avatar
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    the tape and the nail are there cause the PO did not have enought pachinko balls... the nail keeps the light off.. and the tape will allow balls to continue to the shooter..

    more balls and you can remove the tape and nails

    i think the answer is "D" but not 100% sure.. either "B" or "D"
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  33. #20
    Pachi Puro mxfaiman's Avatar
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    I'm confused right now at the moment.

    Can you do me a favor. Can you post a picture straight on looking at that area (with the payout arm down). I can't actually see how the slope is. I want to say B is correct but I think the part might need to be flipped 180 (side to side). A pic of the area should clear it up though.

    100 machines and counting...

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