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Thread: 94 DORADORA Heaven 3 Pachinko

  1. #1
    Pachi Puro Moparformances's Avatar
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    Default 94 DORADORA Heaven 3 Pachinko

    with my new volume controls in to this old school mordern machine i have finaly given it a good long play..

    this model has two doors for fever rounds.. one bottom center other lower right..

    looking for any one who owes this machine.. after 2+ hours of play a total bust.. nothing nada not even a hint that a fever was close??

    with a mahjong theme im a little lost.. having never palyed.. sorry hanabi.. what is the point?? to get 3 of the same?? got a pair on the outside and a few lights went off but no extra payout of any kind??

    i probably shot 10 thousand balls threw it.. after all tha i only had to fill the upper hopper 2 times..

    bent a few nails out to try and help game play too??

    any ideas??

    aa toyotec front.jpgaa toyotec front close.jpgaa toyotec back.jpg
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    Goodwill Ambassador luckydog's Avatar
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    Default re: 94 DORADORA Heaven 3 Pachinko

    good things come to those that wait
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    Gibisans - Japan West compirate's Avatar
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    Default re: 94 DORADORA Heaven 3 Pachinko

    FIrst introduced 1994, even though the odds are 1/281, it's gotta be hard to win, when it pays out, it says the average win is 6000!

    According to this page, it's a Kenri (rights) machine. As far as I know, it means you have to shoot for specific pockets in a sequence to win and to go from one bonus round to the next. Sorry to say, I have no idea what that sequence is.

    権利モノ - Kenri

    Page here that explains Kenri, perhaps someone better than me can translate it?
    Last edited by compirate; 08-13-2009 at 02:10 AM.


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    Stuey - The RADministrator MrGneiss's Avatar
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    Talking Re: 94 DORADORA Heaven 3 Pachinko

    Ooh, so many pockets!!

    I love this kind of game!!

    like compirate said, you are going to have to hit pockets in a certain order to win...

    I'm sorry I don't know the order for this one, but I'm guessing it starts with the start pocket and matching 3 on the screen..then shooting the different pockets in the right order!?

    And I wouldn't worry about the mahjong part, I'd assume that its just a theme..I wouldn't think you'd need to know anything about mahjong to play it..just a guess though..

    PS, if you can't figure it out or get frustrated or bored with it and don't want it anymore, please let me have it, this game looks so my kind of pachinko!!

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    SNORTARRIFIC! new in town's Avatar
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    Default Re: 94 DORADORA Heaven 3 Pachinko

    Keep shoothing those Sphere's ! ! !

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  11. #6
    be vewy vewy quiet im hunting pachis... Lt Teddy's Avatar
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    Default Re: 94 DORADORA Heaven 3 Pachinko

    Just a thought if you get too frustrated their is always cheating and figuring it out then when you play it at least you might be able to know which order to hit. Of course I would never do that.
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  13. #7
    Ensign Newton owennewton's Avatar
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    Default Re: 94 DORADORA Heaven 3 Pachinko

    Quote Originally Posted by Lt Teddy View Post
    Just a thought if you get too frustrated their is always cheating and figuring it out then when you play it at least you might be able to know which order to hit. Of course I would never do that.
    none of us would ever cheat


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  15. #8
    Pachi Puro Moparformances's Avatar
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    Default Re: 94 DORADORA Heaven 3 Pachinko

    well at least i don't feel like such a

    thanks guys

    An Arepachi and an enigma from the same guy?? who could have imagined
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  16. #9
    Goodwill Ambassador luckydog's Avatar
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    Smile Re: 94 DORADORA Heaven 3 Pachinko

    on my Magical Lamp pachinko once you match 3 symbols of the screen for a fever, the butterflys on a pocket on the right side open.

    you have to keep shooting and get a ball in there in a certain time or you lose the fever.
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    Gibisans - Japan West compirate's Avatar
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    Default Re: 94 DORADORA Heaven 3 Pachinko

    for Lucky's machine, there seems to be 5 steps to getting the most out of a bonus


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  20. #11
    Kungishi candyflip's Avatar
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    Default Re: 94 DORADORA Heaven 3 Pachinko

    Quote Originally Posted by Moparformances View Post
    this model has two doors for fever rounds.. one bottom center other lower right..

    looking for any one who owes this machine.. after 2+ hours of play a total bust.. nothing nada not even a hint that a fever was close??

    with a mahjong theme im a little lost.. having never palyed.. sorry hanabi.. what is the point?? to get 3 of the same?? got a pair on the outside and a few lights went off but no extra payout of any kind??

    any ideas??
    Hi Mopar,

    I've spent a few hours shooting a few thousand balls through this one on a SNES simulator, and I have the basic start down for you.

    Shoot balls to start the tiles rolling around on the screen, by shooting the pocket in the middle center (above the door) - you probably have that figured already. Next you'll get a few Reaches before the big 3 (of anything - it doesn't matter which tile set) eventually comes up. It took me many thousands of balls. When it does, a green dragon appears on the centre screen and breaths smoke thru his nostrils. The 1st Bonus round of 15 is now active.

    To get the door to open now, you need to start immediately shooting balls to the extreme right of the machine (many Kenrimono are similar in this way) until you sit one ball in the rotating tulip. As this captured ball rotates around, another (hopefully) will fall in behind it and the original ball will now fall into a hole behind the tulip at top right, and the door will open for your 1st Round of 15 directly below (ie. the door at lower right of the machine face you originally mentioned). The 2nd captured ball will now fall into the rotating tulip hole, as before, triggering the second round, and so on. Just keep shooting balls to the right of the machine now as you get 15rds x 10enters x 15balls = 2250 total balls paid out.

    When this finishes, its back to the centre again as you try to get more tiles to line up in a pattern of 3 of any, so shoot for the middle centre pocket as before. Having two or three more 15rd Bonuses come on is usual in my experience, and upwards of 6000 balls total paid out in this time. Its the right side Bonus door that you go for each time, in this way.

    Its the next bit (the centre bonus door) I haven't figured out yet - will get back to you when I do. I think I keep 'puncturing' before I get to this stage, so need more time to figure it out.. But its something to do with the digital number under the right hand side bonus door, which counts up to 15 slowly and adds one light to a layer of 6 underneath it. I'm supposed to do something in that time, but have yet to figure what that is yet.

    Anyway, hope that helps so far.

    There is always another machine around the corner...

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  22. #12
    Pachi Puro Moparformances's Avatar
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    Default Re: 94 DORADORA Heaven 3 Pachinko

    that makes sense.. geting balls down the center to start the tiles is kinda tough.. but it keps track of up to 4 spins.. geting balls in the right rotator is sure allot easier

    i guess my bigest problem is i cant get a set of 3 match

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  23. #13
    Kungishi candyflip's Avatar
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    Default Re: 94 DORADORA Heaven 3 Pachinko

    Quote Originally Posted by Moparformances View Post
    that makes sense.. geting balls down the center to start the tiles is kinda tough.. but it keps track of up to 4 spins.. geting balls in the right rotator is sure allot easier

    i guess my bigest problem is i cant get a set of 3 match

    OK, so this is where the 'Dora' part might be coming in.

    Dora is the Japanese mahjong term for a bonus tile that enhances the value of the hand. Riichi (or the 'Reach' hand - now you can see where pachinko gets so much of its terminology and vocab) is a declaration that a hand is "ready".

    When you have two tiles match, and the third is about to show on screen during the teasing 'Reach', you'll notice that the bottom 3 pockets all have lights going off behind them (only). Drop a ball or two in there at this time and see what happens. I'm not sure if that makes 100% Bonus appear, but I'm guessing that is what happened during my play..

    Once the dragon appears and the Bonus round is in effect, you'll hear a different tune playing. In my case, I was distracted and missed the dragon animation the first time, but realised something had happened because the lights were all flashing behind every pocket and tulip, and the tune was screeching at me. Eventually (maybe 5 mins later, this is a very patient kenrimono machine!), I pushed balls over to the right hand side of the playfield, got some in the rotating tulip, and that opened the righ hand side bonus door, the animation in centre playfield changed to the 1st Bonus round, and I was away.

    As to getting the tiles to spin, try shooting balls at both the left and right side centre of the machine. Because of the offset pocket underneath the centre pocket, you may find balls approaching from the centre right have better luck going through this, than the ones from centre left only. Try one, then the other, to compare.

    Kenrimono dais are more complex for sure, but I'm finding the makers do try and guide us noobies with the lights and sounds, as to what to do. After all, the Japanese players back in 1993 would have been as clueless as us on first seeing these?

    So, I just need to follow my own advice and figure out the second part of this game now. Back to you soon.
    There is always another machine around the corner...

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  25. #14
    Pachi Puro Moparformances's Avatar
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    Never Doubt that a small group of thoughtful, .......... /........ If your not going to stand behind our troops
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  26. #15
    Eye Shooter digital1's Avatar
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  28. #16
    Kungishi candyflip's Avatar
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    Default Re: 94 DORADORA Heaven 3 Pachinko

    OK, got this sorted now.

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    Here's how it goes for Dora Dora Tengoku 3, compiling everything above in other posts:

    a) Enter the starting thru gate, marked as 1.

    b) This starts the tiles flipping on the center video screen, marked as 2.

    c) The tiles will flip until a 'Reach' is gained (ie. 2 of the same type of any tile are present, and a third is slowly flipping to tease for a match).

    d) The machine flashes much more at this point and particularly, under the three bottom pockets, marked at 3. This is where the 'Dora' of the machine title comes into play - you need to drop a ball in one of these 3 pockets at this point to make a bonus tile appear and claim a full hand from the 'Reach'. If no ball falls into any of these three pockets while the Reach is occurring, the machine will not match the 3 tiles for a full hand. Until the full hand is 'reached', the machine will not progress the bonus further.

    In my experience, the two bottom pockets are impossible to get any balls into. The only one that can be reached is the left most one marked with the two headed arrows and white stars. Drop a ball in there during the Reach by adjusting the flow of balls towards the left of the machine a little more, and the full hand will be achieved!

    e) Assuming the above is completed, the dragon now appears on the screen, and the Bonus Round is *almost* ready. Only one more ball needs to enter the now open gate, marked at 4. This gate closes as soon as the first ball goes in and the Bonus is now activated. Getting a ball in here is very simple as most of your balls end up down here from regular play anyway, but just ensure that happens by adjusting your ball flow back to the centre left or right after you have achieved the Reach (above).

    f) The machine is now playing a new tune, all lights are flashing, and the balls need to be adjusted to flow to the extreme right of the machine. Balls should now be falling on or very near the rotating cylinder, marked at 5.

    g) As the first captured ball in the cylinder rotates towards the 2 o'clock position, it will drop behind into a recessed hole, the 1st Bonus Round starts, and the gate marked at 6 now opens.

    h) For 16 rounds, of 9 ball entries, for 15 balls output (2160 total balls), the Bonus gate opens and closes as the rounds progress and are counted out on the video screen at 2.

    i) when the Bonus round completes, the door closes, the animation at 2 indicates it is finishing, and the tile flipping continues (as long as you now have balls entering the Start gate marked at 1).

    j) the top green light on the display marked to the right of 7 is now lit, showing the first Bonus Round to be completed. The process has started over.

    k) This cycle repeats now for 2 additional times. The video display shown underneath the gate marked at 6 should also have lit, showing a slow count from 0 to 15. There are 6 red lights underneath, that slowly light up (1 every 10 secoonds) now. When they reach the end, the count goes up by one. So you have 15 x 60 seconds to complete the final 2 Bonus Rounds before you 'puncture' the Bonus sequence. This is pretty achievable if you have a machine that allows you easy access to the pockets marked at 3, so you can achieve 'full hands' from your Reaches.

    Well worth doing, as the total ball output for your 3 Bonus Rounds (remember this has all occurred in 20-25 minutes) will be nearly 6500 balls!!

    Enjoy, and please mark any edits needed as you find them.

    Last edited by candyflip; 08-18-2009 at 10:29 PM.
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  30. #17
    Pachi Puro Moparformances's Avatar
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    Default Re: 94 DORADORA Heaven 3 Pachinko

    wow a fountain of great info

    i will have to either get my current ball lifter working (mrs Mopar) or get myself a full time ball lifter

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  31. #18
    Kungishi candyflip's Avatar
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    Default Re: 94 DORADORA Heaven 3 Pachinko

    Quote Originally Posted by Moparformances View Post
    wow a fountain of great info

    i will have to either get my current ball lifter working (mrs Mopar) or get myself a full time ball lifter

    You could always just puncture after the first bonus round, and use up the balls you won - the machine will (whacky!) actually wait for you to come back to the right side before it starts the next bonus, so even if you match 3 tiles, and the bonus is set, you can ignore it and just keep spinning tiles if you wamt.

    Eventually, after 15 mins, the bonus will peter out and you'd be back at the start, but in the meantime, you can use up the balls as normal and just start the bonus again when you wish (assuming you have the sequence described above down pat)...
    There is always another machine around the corner...

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  33. #19
    Blind Shooter samhain's Avatar
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    Default Re: 94 DORADORA Heaven 3 Pachinko

    Hey Mopar, I just bought this same machine this weekend and I don't know anything about it (except that it is so f-ing loud). how did you get the volume controls on? i still haven't quite figured out how to get to the speaker. I am also having issues with the ball launcher. Have you had any problems with the motor for the ball launcher?


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  35. #20
    Pachi Puro Moparformances's Avatar
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    Default Re: 94 DORADORA Heaven 3 Pachinko

    my machine works flawless...

    i buy Volume controls from a member hear FTKServices... but he has none listed on da-bay right now...

    i actualy sent him an email the other day asking for more volume controles for myself..

    hope he starts a new e-bay listing..

    check this out
    whats the problem with your shooter??
    Last edited by Moparformances; 08-22-2011 at 07:41 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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