I suppose more than a few members here who don't own a Spin Luck want one. I am on of those.

But finding one for a good price is like finding that needle in the haystack. But every now and then one pops up, either on ebay or from a dealer. In fact, pachinko_pallace had one I have been watching since it was put up. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...MEWA%3AIT&rd=1

I was all set to bid a little higher than what the machine went for, $661.00 and planned to snipe it.

But about 45 minutes or so before it ended, I made a decision I may or may not regret. I decided not to bid.

As most who have read any of my recent posts know I have been trying to get set up to do videos of my machines to post in the museum. But my old computer just isn't up to the task. Sure, I can do videos with the little Kodak still camera, but they leave a lot to be desired.

So I decided to use that money I had set aside for a Spin Luck to buy a new faster computer. It will take a few weeks for all the parts to get here, then assembled, which means yet another delay in posting videos.

In the meantime I will post the little Quick Time videos, the few I have, as soon as I re-re-reinstall an FTP program, which at the rate I'm going and the bad luck I'm having with old ironsides here, may take longer than I want.

As a result of all this, I had to kiss "my" Spin Luck goodbye!

At least, for now.