hi all, im chris from ohio. recently my last at home child moved out and i was granted permission by the wife to turn the bedroom basement into a man cave! so i started out with a pool table, electronic dart board and my first machine which is azteca. it works great with no issues. so i soon found out that i needed another machine and found one on craigslist and its a pink bell machine by bellco. it has a couple of issues but seems to work fine. first issue is that the transformer has a loud audible hum and is very hot to the touch. its a 115v input, 24v output at 5amp rating. i found a new old stock exact same transformer on ebay and just installed this evening but still has the exact same problem. the next problem is it has a very loud static sound coming from the speakers. it has two speakers, one front and one rear. the sound is so bad that i have to unplug the front speaker. there is a catch tho, the static sound is only heard when the reel lights are lit up. so when playing the sound is heard but if you let the machine idle for 30 seconds or so the reel lights go out and the sound stops. i really appreciate any help and info. thanks, chris