If you all don't know AOL stoped support for Netscape as of 1 March 2008.

Due to this allot of the services that supported Netscape such as Flash Player, Adobe, Java Ect are no longer giving updates for currently running netscape users.

I have ATT DSL as my server and have uploaded Firefox, Flock and AOL. I was able to import all my bookmarks from Netscape to Firefox and Flock.

The problem is my E-MAIL accounts.

I have 3 log in's with ATT that I was able to choose and use through a 7.2 Netscape (old version) That version allows me to choose any of the 4 E-MAIL accounts I have with ATT.

Netscape 9, the last update is the one I usually used for normal Web access and it still works but did not let me import and access my 4 E-MAIL accounts or the other 2 ATT Web Accounts.

AOL, Firefox and Flock have the same Brick Wall.

The only way I can check the 4 E-MAIL accounts (not using Netscape 7.2) is to go through the main ATT home page on AOL, Firefox and Flock. They also will not let me set up and access the other 2 Web accounts I have with ATT.

Has anyone else that use to use Netscape run into this problem and found a Fix as to adding your Web Providers E-MAIL accounts and multiple Web accounts (if you have any) to AOL, Firefox and Flock?