
We are new to the forums (and Pachislo) here and after an exhausting search decided we might want to go ahead and ask our questions

1) We have a BABEL and no manual (we only have an "Eleco" manual and the BABEL is different from our ELECO manual) so we are lost -- our machine will not play unless the max (3) tokens are inserted. Is this normal for this machine or is there a way to set it to play at 1 and 2 tokens also?

2) We know that SW1 is for setting the odds/payout but there is a SW2 just above that with 2 dual position slide switches. Currently both switches are to the left. And then on the board next to the reels just above where the SUPER LOUD speaker wire connects there is another switch (cannot see the SW# but it appears to be a three position slider. Currently this switch is in the middle position. We don't need to know what the switches are for or do (would be neat though) but does anyone know if they are in the correct position?

Without a manual we don't want to just go moving switches around. Might not generate a positive experience LOL.

Any advise or direction to the answer is greatly appreciated.

John and Nanci

As a bonus question --- How does one turn the sound down on this beast without inserting ear plugs LOL