Hello all,

I have just picked up my first pachinko machine and need some help identifying it. I have tried the internet without any luck. It is a manual machine in which you enter each ball seperately. The Sun Cell sticker says 1965 which I believe is the year of manufacture. I had picked up the machine for $5.00 from an elderly gentleman who was moving and did not want to take it with him. He had brought it back from Japan in the 70's when he was in the Air Force.

It had been sitting in a room probably since then so you can probably figure out that it will need some serious cleaning and restoration. The cabinet is made of wood and the trays in the back are metal and are rusty.

It possibly was made by the Komura Yuki Co. Ltd and it has the word Ginza, which I guess is the style or model, on the front.

What I am basically looking for is any information pertaining to how I can start to restore this machine. I cannot seem to find any manuals online anywhere for the single ball manual machines. Can anybody help with any information?
