where? I only see magicdan13 review

magicdan13 wrote this:

This is one cool machine! I took a chance buying this without much info on it,but what a great chance it was! not only does this machine have a great theme and great graphics the play action is very good to. The only down fall of this machine is the small LED screen, it should be bigger! The sounds and music are cryptic and dark and a bit spooky in a fun sort of way. The black reels are backlit which makes for an awesome look that screams I'm different.
The LED interaction is very good and keeps you guessing and keeps you playing. The payouts and bonus games seem to come up at good intravels to keep you playing with out getting bored.
I would say if you like the looks of this machine(not everybody will) get it! You will enjoy it!
My overall rating is a solid 9