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Thread: Whats the appeal about playing pachinko outside of gambling parlors

  1. #1
    Tokie Owens Booniedog85's Avatar
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    Default Whats the appeal about playing pachinko outside of gambling parlors

    Saw this post and got me wondering.......

    All OP's points are correct. Pachinko doesn't record high scores like pinball, you can't rent out cabinets if you aren't living in Japan, the machiens are more expensive than even original arcade cabinets, and so much more. So I ask folks here what makes pachinko so appealing that we play them even though they don't have the same benefits as pinball and regular arcade machines, and so forth? Especially since there's no competitive pachinko league in the same way pinball tournaments and e-sports exist?

  2. #2
    Eye Shooter jasonlujan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Whats the appeal about playing pachinko outside of gambling parlors

    i wake up every morning and can't wait to play my pachinko machines. literally shaking. that's called dedication.
    my wife says it's called an addiction.
    i tell her i've been playing pachinko every day for 20+ years. it's all i think about and i still haven't gotten addicted so i doubt that's what it is.
    fact: 90% of pachinko players quite right before they are about to hit it big.

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  4. #3
    Stuey - The RADministrator MrGneiss's Avatar
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    Default Re: Whats the appeal about playing pachinko outside of gambling parlors

    I just think it's fun!! Some people will never understand..It's just..umm Fun!!

    "Blowing smoke rings at the moon."

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  6. #4
    Eye Shooter SibSr's Avatar
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    Default Re: Whats the appeal about playing pachinko outside of gambling parlors

    Personally, I play vintage machines and I never even think about what my "score" is, and never considered it a competition where I cared what some other player might be doing.

    I'm so weird, when I play one of the 10 machines in my man cave, my goal is not to "win" by some metric. My goal a lot of times is to drop a ball down the middle to open everything up...and then walk away. That way if my wife or someone walks up to it, they can play it and have immediate success.

    if I'm going to play for any length of time myself, I usually go for the "break the bank" goal. I want to win enough balls from the machine that it can't operate anymore. And if I can do makes me happy somehow.

    I have yet to figure out how to play more modern cyclic machines well enough to be "good" at them. While I like the looks of some of the modern machines, the gameplay is not as attractive to me.

    As an old codger, there is appeal in a simple game that doesn't require rembering certain sequences and button pushes (or flower openings) and perfect timing to be successful.

    I think as a "just before video games came along" kid, I lack that video game connection that makes the more modern pachinkos attractive.

    I like American pinball..played it a lot in the '70s because there were no video games back then. The pinball machines back then were a lot more analog, and well, more like a vintage pachinko I suppose.

    But pachinko has the size advantage and price point advantage. Small footprint and cheap, as opposed to huge and expensive.

    Well this is more like a dollars worth instead of my 2 cents, but there it is.

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  8. #5
    Eye Shooter SibSr's Avatar
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    Default Re: Whats the appeal about playing pachinko outside of gambling parlors

    After re-reading my post, I suppose it is not as pertinent in a sub thread under "Modern Pachinko" [emoji16]

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  9. #6
    Fever Hunter Atoombolle's Avatar
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    Default Re: Whats the appeal about playing pachinko outside of gambling parlors

    For me personally it's a state of zen. I just like to watch the balls move around and see if I can get a win, which is why I prefer hanemono machines over digipachis. I like seeing the diverting paths and moving animatronics. Add a bunch of lights and music and I'm a happy camper for a little while.

    And even when not playing, they just look great. I prefer modern pinball over pachinko myself, but pachinko is a whole lot more affordable and takes up a lot less space. I know myself with pinball: I stop playing the same machine over and over pretty quickly, so buying one isn't worth it to me. Arcades are even worse in that regard. Pachinko is ultimately cheaper if I look at my enjoyment/cost factor, even if I include the shipping costs from Japan or Taiwan.

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  11. #7
    Eye Shooter SibSr's Avatar
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    Default Re: Whats the appeal about playing pachinko outside of gambling parlors

    Interestingly, after typing my long promotion of vintage play style, The first machines you see when you walk in are 3 non vintage

    Because they are more visually interesting with the lights and unique frames. And what few visitors I get seem to gravitate towards them for sure.

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  13. #8
    Pachi Puro lotsoballs's Avatar
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    Default Re: Whats the appeal about playing pachinko outside of gambling parlors

    That’s not true pachinkos don’t keep score; many of my newer ones do keep score of payouts during a fever or series of fevers; I once got over 30,000 ball payout of Battle of Vader after a series of fevers.

    Not to mention you can get data counters the parlor uses that show recent stats, payouts, ect. Or you can buy card readers for your card reader emulator dongle and put a certain amount of credits on a card; say 50 credits and have 2 or more people see who can play the longest with said 50 credits before going bust.

    That said, who cares about scoring! [emoji28] There’s much more to enjoyment to be had pachinko than trying to prove “who is better than the next guy”. Stick with pinball if you are the type A personality competitive type. [emoji6]

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  15. #9
    Kungishi Wayne-Ooo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Whats the appeal about playing pachinko outside of gambling parlors

    I guess you would play them outside of a Parlor setting because you like playing them. Same reason people play slot machines or any other gaming machine at home.

    You can't compare them to pinball or arcade machines. Pachinko machines were designed as gambling machines, not arcade games.

    Pinball and arcade machines are not gambling machines. They don't give you payouts, rather you put your quarter in and play the game for a score.

    A pachinko machine may resemble a arcade machine, but is not, and wasn't designed to be.

    Your post is trying to compare machines designed for two completely different purposes.
    What if...​the ​HOKEY POKEY, is what it's all about?

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  17. #10
    Pachi Puro emmadog's Avatar
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    Default Re: Whats the appeal about playing pachinko outside of gambling parlors

    pachinko or at least the vintage ones like i used to own are fun but they also get boring pretty quick. the game never ends. then i got into arrangeball machines which have quick games with a definite end point and specific things to shoot for.
    overall for me though, pinball is king.
    EM Pinballs & Arrangeballs

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