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Thread: Batman fever - finally

  1. #1
    Fever Hunter teachermaniac's Avatar
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    Default Batman fever - finally

    So I've had the Batman pachinko for about 9 months and have played it on and off, but fairly regularly. I finally hit a fever with the machine and then hit another fever within about 5 minutes right after.

    The lights were really cool on both fevers, but the music cut out about halfway through on one. I wonder if that's determined by what character you hit the fever on. The music that cut out was on Robin's fever, but music all the way through was on Poison Ivy.

    Either way - I guess when it rains it pours.
    I used to eat lots of natural foods until I found out most people die of natural causes.

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  3. #2
    Chicken Fried Steak takethecastle57's Avatar
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    Default Re: Batman fever - finally

    I had the 2000 Hewia 4 reel Pachinko and was fun but no "Real" Batman sounds . I'am getting the 2007 Hewia SS Batman Begins Pachinko From Frank at CustomPachinko I hope I hope Next Thursday Aug 4 , 2011 . The 4 reeler I did love back in 2003-2004 and I hope to get a Batman 4 reeler sometime in the future.
    When things don't go right the 1st time , Step back ,Take a break and come back renewed. RGS

  4. #3
    Tokie Owens Doc Kaos's Avatar
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    Default Re: Batman fever - finally

    I'm just building a cabinet for my Batman 4 Reeler. I think we've hit the Fever mode twice so far. Had it for a year I think? I'll post some pics when the cabinet is done.

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  6. #4
    Tokie Owens Doc Kaos's Avatar
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    Default Re: Batman fever - finally

    I got the cabinet done and it hit a fever right away! Since the cabinet's been finished I think we've hit like 4 or 5!
    I got a little video with my camera. You can check out the cabinet in this cabinets section on the forum.

  7. The following 4 users say "Thanks" to Doc Kaos

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